Robert W. Walton Jr.

Consulting Van

Arborist Van with equipment

Can also tow the Air‑Spade
(a Level 3 diagnostic tool).


Van Desktop

Forms (evaluation, soil analysis, plant/pathogen analysis,Tree Risk Assessment, tree appraisal, fungal DNA, etc.), dissecting microscope, magnifying lamp, tree defect chart, soil compaction meter, 5 ea 110 volt electric outlets (3000 watt inverter), aerial drone, etc.

Van Desktop
Van Library

The Onboard Library
(reference books, flyers & data, digital cameras, binoculars)

40 X Dissecting Microscope

Dissecting Microscope

Consulting Tools

Van Equipment

Drawer 1
sample containers & bags **plastic, paper, ziplock** (for insect, plant, fungal)

Van Equipment

Drawer 2
Level 2‑Basic Assessment Tools

Van Equipment

Drawer 3
Small tools for working with plants & insects.



(A Level 3 diagnostic tool)

Click here to find out more!

Phone: 619‑443‑1770